My HA setup is not showing one of my iPhones in a specific zone. When i check the device states it is only showing the info from the know_devices.yaml file and Source Type: Router.
THe source type Router is the Unifi controller for my device_tracker component for unifi. So the device is tracked, it also is noticed when i get Home and pickup the wifi signal.
Except when i leave home, it is set to not_home instead of a specified zone. The other iPhone (App is configured with the same Location options) is moved to that specific Zone. Also when i push the location, this is not registred in the Device State.
The iOS component is loaded as the other iPhone is sending the location. So iPhone 1 is not showing the correct location / information and the iPhone 2 is showing the location / information.
My setup looks like:
3x iPhone 7+
1x Device Tracker (Unifi)
iOS component loaded
Any one has an idea how I can solve this?