How to configure this device to get motion notifications to for example turn on light? I see it , I can read out the state, but I do not see notification. I use z wave js integration.
Thank you for your elaborate attempt to help. But, sorry to say, the question was, how to get the device to send notifications. For example my ABUS Sensors send notifications when an open event occurs. The devolo does flash red, but seems not send an event. Neither did i receive a notification in automation(! so far for your answer) nor in node red.
But may be someone around here has some experience with this specific device.
So you can write an automation that triggers on state change, and send a notification in that automation.
Ah, ok. So instead of waiting for a notification i have to trigger on state change. Thank you, will give that a try
Nah, was not so successful. Found postings for other home automation software where poeple set configuration byte 5 and byte 7 to different values. tried them and was not successful either. it seems the device might be not working correctly. But before i dump it, it would be interesting, if anybody out there did manage to get the device working
ok, digging further into this mess, i learned, that the sensor does not set the motion dedect state back to off. node red neither does get a state change nor a repeating message with state:on . whenever i set the state back to off with the developer tools, i get a new message. so i end up with hass api calls to set the state back to off whenever the dedection is processed.
Hello, is there a workaround. My motion detector is not working.
I have already changed parameter 7 to 22, unfortunately this does not work either.
Here my settings:
PARAMETER 2 Basic Set Level
Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light.
PARAMETER 3 PIR Sensitivity
Set the sensitivity for the PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor).
PARAMETER 4 Light Threshold
Set the illumination threshold to turn on the light.
PARAMETER 5 Operation Mode
Parameter to set the Operation Mode
PARAMETER 6 Multi-Sensor Function Switch
Parameter to set the sensor functions.
PARAMETER 7 Customer Function
Parameter to set the Customer Function.
PARAMETER 8 PIR Re-Detect Interval Time
Setting the re-detect time after motion detected
PARAMETER 9 Turn Off Light Time
Setting delay time to turn off the light when no motion
PARAMETER 10 Auto Report Battery Time
The interval time for auto reporting the battery level.
PARAMETER 11 Auto Report Door/Window State Time
Interval time for auto reporting the door/window state.
PARAMETER 12 Auto Report Illumination Time
The Interval time for auto reporting the illumination state.
PARAMETER 13 Auto Report Temperature Time
The interval time for auto reporting the temperature state.
PARAMETER 20 Auto Report Tick Interval
The interval time for each auto report tick.
PARAMETER 21 Temperature Differential Report
PARAMETER 22 Illumination Differential Report
for HA the report mode is essential. You have to set bit 1 of Parameter 7 to one. Then you will get sensor binary reports which HA can work with. You will get binary state change messages.
In Return: i lost my seetings and can not figure out anymore how to turn off the red LED.
Regards Alexsnder