Devolo thermostat shows additionally up as luminance sensor

Hi all,
I am using several Devolo thermostat together with an Aeotec Gen5 zwave stick. They do all automation as I planned. But curiously one of them shows additionally up as a luminance sensor. It is not really a problem but I would like to purge my configuration.
Any hint what I can do?

Thanx in advance


We can close the topic.
I added a
hidden: true
value_id: ‘…’
to the customizing.yaml to hide the (not really existing) luminance sensor.

which information does the thermostat provide?

The Thermostat shows the current temperature and you can provide the selected temperature for heating

So you easelly connected your devolos to HA, you receive current temperature from then and can push wished temperature to them?

Easilly as far as ZWAVE configuration is easy :wink: I use an Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5 to connect the devolos to HA.