I’m very new to Dexcom and use the Follow app on my iPhone because I’m a follower and not wearing the sensor. So if the follow app uses Dexcom share, then yes, otherwise currently unsure.
Thank you for the suggestion, I’ll have a look and see if this works.
I have HA successfully pulling data using the existing plugin.
So essentially using the main G7 Dexcom account login with the plugin (Not the follower) it creates 2 sensors as you mentioned which exactly what I was looking for.
Hi Bill,
I setup the G7 using the official plugin integration. I am using the main accounts username and password; not email address or phone number as the username. It appears to authenticate and sets up the two sensors in my HA. However, the values are ‘unknown’ and haven’t changed in over 24 hours. Are you using an email address, username or phone for your Dexcom integration? Did you have to approve access or make any changes on the Dexcom side? Any insight is appreciated. Thanks.
This looks great nothing better than Black % White visuals at night very clear! I have Nightscout in and also xdrip screen saver on my Tablet which is also a Black & white screen. I have also just managed to get my reading read out to me with presence sensors to read my levels so I no longer need to look though its still kept there for help!