DHCP Server in Home Assistant how to work?

Good morning,

First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. I’m from Madrid, Spain. My name is “EnigmaGs” as you can see.

My question is “where and how can I see the IP addresses assigned by the Home Assistant DHCP server”. I’ve activated it and it apparently works fine.

Thanking you for your kindness and understanding, because I’m a novice at this, I’ll say goodbye with a greeting.

Welcome! :grin:

Are you talking about the add-on? I don’t use it myself, but I think there should be a web-based UI with that information. There is usually a link on the add-on info page.

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Check the logs, there might be a cat terminal command to expose it,
traditionally dhcp is udp port 67 or 68, homeassistant.local:67…

what integration is this? all I can find is a discovery integration and it dose not appear to be creating a port or anything.

get the file editor addon if you haven already and dig around for any files or configs related to this…

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Yes, from the DHCP SERVER plugin that has this basic configuration:

interface: eth0

And you can go to the registry, which you can even download, but the IPs of the devices that are assigned do not appear.

Finally, the plugin says:

“his add-on provides a simple DHCP server for your network. It provides some basic needs, like, reserving IP addresses for your devices to ensure they always get assigned the same IP address.”

Maybe I’m not looking at the same one.

The docs have a screenshot of the web UI:

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Hi Enigma Gs,
Welcome to the HA Forum.

I do not believe Home Assistant has a DHCP Server.
There is probably a 3rd party custom integration or add-on that does this. In that case go to the github repo for that software and ask them. It is not related to HA any more than your browser has responsibility for the data that your email program provides.

I hope that helps clear some things up.