It seems my DHT22 may have burned out, potentially due to its lower cost or reliability. However, I’m also considering the possibility that connecting it via a 5-volt USB might be the culprit, given its recommended operational range of 2 to 3 volts. If this is the case, it raises the question of its compatibility with laptop connections.
(The article page suggest that it only could handle 2v, but usb uses 5 volts)
I stumbled upon an article discussing battery connections, highlighting the use of a voltage regulator. However, when connecting the ESP8266 directly to a laptop, this component seems unnecessary (is this true?).
Now, I’m curious about the D1 Mini ESP8266’s capability to handle 5 volts and whether a regulator is essential when using batteries.
A DHT22 can normally be powered by anything from 3.3 to 6V (5.5V on some spec sheets). Where did you read that is it has a range of 2-3V?
Also, your D1 Mini has a regulator on board that will take up to 5.5V and supply 3.3V to the ESP. Why wouldn’t you power your DHT22 from that 3.3V supply?
Then you will need to provide your own regulator, one that can handle 7V input, and a way to switch it on and off so that your battery doesn’t run flat (I assume you will be using deep sleep to conserve battery).
This is really an electronics problem rather than an ESPHome one. You would probably be better googling “7V to 5V power converter” or something similar.