Before I submit the below as issue I want to check if the problem is somewhere else…
I am running HA on AIO Intallation on RP3, HA ver. 0.58.1 which is the latest version at the moment I am writing this post.
A DHT22 sensor is plugged into RP3 (port 23) - It was working great for 1 year already, but recently after I moved from 0.48 to 0.58 and configured HomeBridge I noticed this strange behavior:
- Temperature shows correctly as always;
- Humidity stays frozen at 1%.
What is even more interesting:
- if I reboot the RP3, I can see the humidity showing expected %, but about 10 seconds after that it goes again to 1%.
- If I breath into it, I can also see changes in humidity, but again, after few seconds it switches instantly to 1%.
- AND… to get it even more complicated, at the same time the HomeBridge works fine for all my devices and I can use SIRI, etc, BUT, the reading in HomeBridge for that humidity sensor shows 23% more than the HA shows on the UI, i.e. the HA shows 1%, Homebridge shows at the same time 24% (which 24% I tend to believe is the correct value for that room at the moment). Homebridge shows the same temperature as HA for that DHT sensor. The issue is with humidity only.
I know and I read some issues of humidity/temperature on DHT sensors after 0.50, but then I checked my version 0.58.1 has these issues fixed.
Also tried with no effect: rebooting the RP3 without the sensor wired and then with; Deleting the whole HA database, playing with humidity_offset parameter in config - it just adds that offset to the 1% value of the humidity - and this offset also goes to the HomeBridge.
HUMIDITY = 1% in HA >>>>>> 24% in HomeBridge
with humidity_offset = 30:
HUMIDITY = 31% in HA >>>>>> 54% in HomeBridge, and so on …
I would appreciate some advise here (unfortunately I don’t have spare DHT22, and I don’t think is hardware issue - I haven’t changed anything for 1+ years in terms of hardware and wiring).