Did HUSBZB-1 stop working everyone else recently

Longish shot here. I had Zigbee and Z-Wave working on a Home Assistant Blue until September. I upgraded Core to 2024.9.3 and did all of the other upgrades at the same time and now Zigbee and Z-Wave are broken. And “lsusb” doesn’t show the device at all.

Sure it could be that the stick happened to die at the same time (though it does show up as a USB device on my Mac so it’s not entirely dead). But that seems unlikely. I was going to just throw it in the garbage and buy a ZBT-1 but those have been pulled from the market temporarily. Which could also be a coincidence.

But I figured I’d ask. Is anyone else seeing the same?


I’m not using mine for Zigbee anymore, but I still use the Z-Wave side and it’s working fine for me today. I’m on HA 2024.9.1 and zwave-js-ui 9.19.0.

Replying to myself here - if you haven’t already, try another known-working USB device in the same port and see if lsusb picks that one up.

I had some trouble with the N2+ and its USB ports’ power delivery.
If a port was overloaded (like multiple devices with a passive USB hub or one power hungry device), the ports stopped working. I had to shut it down, pull the power supply and re-apply power. And I had to reduce the load on the USB ports, of course.

“Did you turn it off and on again?” Seriously?

I can’t tell you how many times I power cycled, rebooted, checked the stick in different ports and computers.

It’s been out of commission for weeks and all I needed to do was power down AND remove the ethernet. Thanks @JorgWolski !

Ethernet is not needed, just the power cord has to be pulled to “reset” it.

You would think that, but I did power cycle multiple times without removing the ethernet and it did not start working again. It wasn’t until I removed the ethernet as well that it started working.

That is… weird indeed. But I’m still glad, you got it back working.