I had below sensor which reads an attribute of a , via Vera, integrated switch. This worked for years in a row and suddenly stopped working. Could be after installing 90.1. I have no error in the logs.
Using in templates interface also result in no value being returned. The state still reports fine in Vera (so in vera device reports correctly).
In Dev States does the entity states.switch.zonnepaneel_297.attributes.current_power_w show a value? If so, the issue is with your entity, not your sensor.
In Dev States does the entity states.switch.zonnepaneel_297.attributes.current_power_w show a value? If so, the issue is with your entity, not your sensor
No it does not. But the entity still works. I can switch on/off in HASS without an issue and I see immediate result also in the Vera interface. Only Vera shows also the power and HASS not (anymore)
How is that switch defined in your configuration? If it has stopped displaying the state perhaps there is an invalid configuration line that was previously ignored.
I think our posts just crossed. After taking another look I honestly could not find anything wrong (incl. re-checking the link you send above). So I just restarted … and it worked again. Thanks for trying to help.