Diesel heater control in Home Assistant

I am looking for a solution how to integrate chinese diesel heater into Home Assistant.

The closest what I have found is GitHub - jakkik/DieselHeaterRF: Simple library for Arduino (ESP32) to control a Chinese diesel heater through 433 MHz RF
It is simple hardware that communicates with heater (basically all cheap chinese heaters have RF support, the question is only if you have purchased remote too). Since it is ESP32 based, it should be quite easy to integrate with ESPhome.

Hardware part and communication with the heater is already solved here GitHub - jakkik/DieselHeaterRF: Simple library for Arduino (ESP32) to control a Chinese diesel heater through 433 MHz RF

There were also some other trials with Afterburner Thermostat MQTT sensor Setup help -- Afterburner Thermostat for Chinese Diesel Heater

Can anyone bring this to HA?


Some discussion has aready been there Support for Chinese Diesel Heaters · Issue #2235 · esphome/feature-requests · GitHub

Another option is GitHub - wshelley/Chinese-Diesel-Heater-Advanaced-Temperature-Controller: A simple Arduino inline extension to Chinese Diesel Heaters to help maintain a stable temperature by gracefully shutting down the heater if it gets too hot.

But also this one might be good start since it is already using ESPhome GitHub - timmchugh11/Chinese-Diesel-Heater---ESPHome

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You have ESP32 with RF talking to the heater. Just add MQTT and problem solved…
On my to-do list.

I would… If I would know how

This option was updated. Actually not as I would expect, but it actually works. It would be really great if someone can help author also to communicate through UART, not just read data


I have my diesel heater on/off working with home assistant by using a sonoff 433 rf bridge, which is enough for me and exactly what I needed just basic functionality of turning it on and off.

The Sonoff RF Bridge copies the remote control signal of the heater.
And in HA I use the integration SonoffLAN and the remote buttons are entities, so I can turn the heater on and off.


Hi oli. How did you do that. I am able just increase and decrease heater as ON and OFF are not “ono click” but “push and hold” buttons. I am not able to do that in eWeLink…so not in HA.