Difference between hassio.host_reboot and homeassistant.restart

`hassio.host_reboot and 'homeassistant.restart

What are the differences between these two in simple terms. Host, core, etc don’t resonant with me so please use other words to explain to me, lol.

People confusing these two very different actions was specifically why the reboot feature was hidden away.

Host reboot shuts down and restarts all the hardware. So everything resets. OS, Core, and Addons. You should very rarely need to do this.

Home Assistant restart only restarts the Home Assistant application (“core”). Everything else (Add-ons and OS) keeps running. This is what you may need to do occasionally when updating an integration.

Think of it as the difference between restarting your computer (reboot) and shutting down your web browser or other application and starting it again (home assistant restart).

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