Difference between two sensors - Efergy

Hi All,

I have an efergy which i am displaying.
I have two sensors. Solar, and main

Since the efergy doesn’t sense direction i want to be able to display main-solar , to display houses current state.
Ie feeding into the grid, or drawing from the grid

I am struggling to get this to work.
current YML below - Thanks in advance


  • platform: efergy

    app_token: deleted

    utc_offset: 10


    • type: instant_readings

    • type: amount

      period: day

    • type: current_values


  • platform: value_template


    friendly_name: “Net_House_Energy”

    unit_of_measurement: ‘kWh’

    value_template: “{{ states(‘sensor.efergy_784012’) |float + states(‘sensor.efergy_741400’) | float }}”

Last line is
value_template: “{{ states(‘sensor.efergy_784012’) |float - states(‘sensor.efergy_741400’) | float }}”

Sensor is not showing up though?

Im getting the following error
Component error: Sensor - Integration ‘Sensor’ not found.