Different Alarm states then armed - disarmed

Hello everyone.
At the moment I plan my migration from homey to hass. One really cool thing at homey is the alarm module.
I have read a lot about the hass alarm panel. But as for as I understand it only has armed and not armed. And the transition between.
Homey had armed, disarmed and partially armed.
Partially armed I used when we were asleep. The difference was that not all windows triggered an alarm because we wanted to open the windows in some rooms.

Is there something similar with hass?

Thank you for helping me with my migration.

The homeassistant alarm integration has the following available modes

  • armed_custom_bypass

  • armed_home

  • armed_away

  • armed_night

  • disarmed

  • triggered

See here

A thank you. I read it yesterday night but looked I missed the different armed states.