Different friendly name in different groups

Say I have groups set up like this (pseudocode, so it wont work formatted like below):

default: (has tab)

  • group.quickaccess

secondfloor: (has tab)

  • group.masterbed
  • group.guestbed


  • light.mbrmain
  • media_player.roku_mbr


  • light.gbrmain
  • media_player.roku_gbr

I have the friendly names for both of the lights and both rokus set to just “Main Lights” and “Roku Player” because they are already under a descriptive heading so spelling out master light, guest light, etc would be redundant. Only problem with this is under the quick access group on the default tab, the entities just show up as

Quick Access:
Main Light ( I | O )
Main Light ( I | O )

I would like to be able to have them show ONLY under the quick access group as
Quick Access:
Master Bed Main Light ( I | O )
Gust Bed Main Light ( I | O )

Is there any way to do this without having to create another input_boolean that matches the state of the light switch, or do I have to format this in a roundabout way by creating more entities? Thanks!

Unless you want to use lovelace-ui, I don’t believe it’s possible