Not sure it works… was honestly asking for a test
It’s not about changing the timestamp, it’s about changing the value…
Not sure it works… was honestly asking for a test
It’s not about changing the timestamp, it’s about changing the value…
Here is a workaround that uses a Python script to cause a state change in the source sensor one second before the hour boundary. I have provided it for those who still want to use the Integration Sensor to Utility Meter flow which needs:
Personally, If a Python script workaround is required it might as well replace the Integration Sensor and the Utility Meter. My Python script needs:
The ultimate simplification would be to only use the Utility Meter component with these one and two feature requests.
I got same problem with my warmfloors template sensors, try to use your script, thanks.
So after testing I stayed with updates template sensors with small (not zero) consumption when warmfloors is off:
friendly_name: Мощность теплого пола в ванной
unit_of_measurement: "W"
value_template: >
{% if state_attr("switch.bathroom_warmfloor","actualTemperature")<state_attr("switch.bathroom_warmfloor","desiredTemperature") and states("switch.bathroom_warmfloor") == "on" %}
{{((states("sensor.l3_voltage")|float)**2/112)|int }}
{% else %}
{{((states("sensor.l3_voltage")|float)**2/100000)|round(4) }}
{% endif %}