Very new with Home Assistant, discovered it a few hours ago.
I’ve created an image and overlaid some sensors on top of it (copied the card code from the demo site)
type: picture-elements
image: /local/floorplan.png
- type: image
entity: light.living_room_light
action: toggle
image: /local/light_bulb_off.png
'on': /local/light_bulb_on.png
'on': brightness(130%) saturate(1.5) drop-shadow(0px 0px 10px gold)
'off': brightness(80%) saturate(0.8)
top: 12%
left: 35%
width: 7%
padding: 10px
- type: state-label
entity: climate.living
attribute: current_temperature
top: 45%
left: 25%
background-color: gray
background: center / contain no-repeat url("/local/ecobee_blank.png")
text-align: center
font-size: 12px
color: white
font-family: Helvetica
display: block
overflow: hidden
This shows the temperature in the room, clicking on the temperature box show the target temperature, and mode of operation.
What I’d like is being able to adapt the style of the text (or the box itself using a different background image) based on the mode of climate.living ;
if text then white if the mode is “heat/cool” and red if mode is “off”
While the image type allow for on/off style
I can’t see a way to do that with the state-label type.
Is this something possible?