Different UI for each user

is there a way to have multiple UI on the same HUB?
l want my UI on the App to be different then my wife’s UI and my wall mounted iPad to have different UI
is that possible?

With custom header you can hide view based on the user. So you can create different views and then hide them based on the user.
Custom header has a lot of options

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how this is manageable? i need that one user (lets say me) will be able to manage other users UI

Sorry. There is even a better option with the views direct

You can set the user Id for the users who are allowed to see this view

I‘m using the yaml files to create my views and there I‘m setting the things that other users can see on my setup
Not sure if it works with the GUI editor as well

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im using the UI and not the config file

I guess it works only in yaml mode. But not sure

You could edit the raw config to include the visible option.

Thanks for confirming this. I was just about to try this for my mounted tablet.

Hello to evreyone,
not sure if the topic is the right one.
I’m new on hassio.
Related the custom header Ui (not yaml file setting), how is possible to showing back the header if the switch had been turn off previously to hide the header?
There is some config. file where is possible to change the setting?
Thanks for your help

Done myself after some google find.
