Dimmer button: Slide to dim, tap to toggle

even that one (slider-card) doesn’t seem to work correctly on ios, you can’t touch anywhere on the slider to set it to that point, you have to drag the vertical line on the bar

on android it works as you expect it to

Yes everything fsr from perfect here with sliders for ios

Haven’t had time to work on this in a long time but I just uploaded the example config to github if anyone’s interested.

I hate that it’s not working on IOS but I have no idea how to fix it :frowning_face: If anyone has any suggestions or fixes please let me know and I’ll update it right away.

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Hi Tony, Thanks for the example config! Very helpful!
Would you be able to post your background images??

They’re just random pictures I had in my home assistant folder and I don’t want to upload on github without attribution. I could send them on DM if you want them.

Yes please. Thanks!

Brightness slider doesn’t work for Light Group entities?
I only get on/off function on those. (long press still gives me a brightness slider)

I cant seem to figure out why this works with some WEMO dimmer switches, but doesn’t work with any of my Zwave dimmers (Zooz). Any idea?

@tonyflowed: I have few of these dimmer buttons (volume for mediaplayers & switch/dimmers for lights) but since updating to 2021.7.1 the one for 1 light (deCONZ) can only be used to switch on/off, doesn’t show the current percentage and when on, goes to previous state.

@tonyflowed : Hi I have tried your sliders. They work on my computer and on my android tablet, but not on my iPhone.

Home Assistant 6.1
IOS 14.6

Great work by the way.

That’s really a nice card. In your reader, you talk about music player and light. Do you plan to support cover or number?

Tony, Great job and thanks for sharing! I notice in your screenshot that you have different backgrounds and opaqueness on your cards. I didn’t find any instruction on that but if you already posted that, please point me to it. If you didn’t post that, how could I change the card background or set the theme? I’m using ios dark mode with my other cards and would love to make these match.