Having an issue recently that I have not always had. I have two identical dimmers which are members of the same scene. When the scene executes both lights turn on as they should, however, node3 updates in the front end as ‘ON’ correctly, but node2 reports as ‘OFF’.
I dug through the zwave log for the entries that come in during that execution, and found that out of the 40 or so lines generated for each node, the lines below were the only ones that were different.
I’m assuming that the front end not updating correctly is due to node2 incorrectly reporting back a value of 0.
2018-11-12 16:45:30.141 Info, Node002, Received SwitchMultiLevel report: level=0
2018-11-12 16:45:30.331 Info, Node003, Received SwitchMultiLevel report: level=99
Is this a known issue with an easy fix?
HassOS 1.12
Home Assistant 0.82.0
node_name: GE 14294 In-Wall Smart Dimmer
EDIT: Forgot to add that when I initiate a “Refresh Node” on node2, it then reports back to the front end with the correct status.
Another update to this.
After more testing, it seems like the query for node status is happening too quickly and not waiting long enough for the node to transition to the new state.
For example, when if turn off these dimmers, they slowly fade to off, and the front end reports back a dimmed level rather than off even though the lights are actually now off.