Dimming with New SmartThings Integration

Is anyone experiencing issues with dimming lights through the new SmartThings integration? I can turn lights on and off without issue, but the dimming function doesn’t do anything (and doesn’t display the correct value). Likewise, if I turn the light on with the dimmer slider, the light does not come on.

I am also experiencing this issue.

I was controlling HomeSeer HS-WD200+ dimmers on a custom device handler which wanted an additional argument. Darwin (who created the handler) had me add the following code and it is working perfectly now:

def setLevel(value, duration) {

setLevel (value)


I believe he was going to update the github code also

I"m experiencing this as well with GE Link bulbs. So did you just add this to the DH in ST?

I’m also experiencing it with a virtual dimmer also.

EDIT: To confirm yes update the device handler to include the snip of code above and you’re good.

This is a problem with device handlers (in SmartThings) not following the capability spec correctly. There’s an open issue with SmartThings and they are fixing it for their built-in devices. Custom ones also need to fix. Details and work-around here: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/21173