Dimplex HeatPump LS 8 AS + NWPM Integration using MODBUS TCP

Hi There,

another project to share :slight_smile:


I have managed to use NWPM module (https://dimplex.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DW/pages/2862383109/NWPM#Beschreibung-und-Download-PlugIn) with WPM 2006 Plus controller to control my Dimplex LS 8 AS Heat Pump throught MODBUS protocol.

You have to configure your NWPM plugin module to use ModBus TCP:

  1. login to pcoWEB โ†’ preferences โ†’ network โ†’ firmware โ†’ opens new dialog window
  2. switch to ModBus TCP tab at new opened window and enable: ModBus TCP Status โ†’ Enable, ModBus TCP Port โ†’ 502 (I have used 1.5.x Map mode)
  3. Submit

Create modbus.yaml:

- name: dimplex
  type: tcp
  host: 192.168.1.xx ##Your NWPM module IP address here
  port: 502
  delay: 5
  timeout: 5
  sensors: ## Ordered by modbus address
    - name: Dimplex Mode
      slave: 1
      address: 5007
      scan_interval: 5
      input_type: input
    - name: Dimplex Smart Grid
      slave: 1
      address: 5167
      scan_interval: 5
      input_type: input
    - name: Dimplex Parallel Displacement
      slave: 1
      address: 5002
      scan_interval: 5
      input_type: input

modify configuration.yaml to include modbus.yaml and create Heating mode selection list:

modbus: !include modbus.yaml

    name: Heatpump Mode
      - "Summer"
      - "Auto"
      - "Holiday"
      - "Party"
      - "Heat gen 2"
    icon: mdi:home-thermometer

Modify your automations.yaml to simplify Dimplex Modbus registry settings for heating modes:

- id: '1713981187327'
  alias: set_heatpump_mode
  description: Nastav mod TC Dimplex
  - platform: state
    - input_select.heatpump_mode
  condition: []
  - service: modbus.write_register
      address: 5007
      hub: dimplex
      slave: 1
      value: '{{ state_attr(trigger.entity_id,''options'').index(states(trigger.entity_id))

- id: '1714546261857'
  alias: act_heatpump_mode
  description: refresh heatpump mode input_select
  - platform: state
    - sensor.dimplex_mode
  condition: []
  - service: input_select.select_option
      entity_id: input_select.heatpump_mode
      option: '{{ state_attr(''input_select.heatpump_mode'',''options'') [states(trigger.entity_id) | int] }}'
  mode: single

To reach other setings / registers, just follow this dimplex wiki guide:

Does anybody know how to use Dimplex Smart Grid settings to integrate with FVE production and avoid consuption of electricity when not producing green power? :slight_smile:
Any hint would be appreciated, thanks.