DinoTech's Tablet Designs[video-UPDATE-04.27.2020!]

nice work bud :slight_smile:

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Have been working on the mechanics of my set-up and I have redesigned a few views and added several new features including Lovelace Swipe Navigation @mayker . Added screen changing based on time of day(background images rotate every 5 mins), tablet screen turns “ON” and “OFF” based on motion. The design follows the touchless controls and motion activated popup camera screens and active alert borders that work on sleep and off screens. Everything has been moved to “popups” globally to make creating new screens quicker and with less code.

The use of @thomasloven 's lovelace-popup-card allows code to be reused so one view has access to many different individual ‘full screen’ popup cards without having to navigate away to another view. So basically, it’s like having multiple views on one screen. Works for my set up well, as this design is intended for one screen with access to everything needed and no navigating. Easier for guests and wife :wink:

More images HERE and more to come…

Repo available HERE. Ideas or improvements are always welcomed. Thanks!

Custom cards used:

Big THANKS to all the card makers for the time and hard work!!! :raised_hands:

A few sample popup screens:
lovelace-countdown-dates opens in morning when coffee maker turns off

Opens on all devices(tablets/phones)in the event of a detection.
(Hope I never see this one again) :grimacing:

Battery screen popups up when a device is low

Alarm clock pops up when ‘Goodnight’ script is activated

Similar styled pop-ups for each room

Animated temp and humidity

coffee timer that pops up when alarm clock goes off. Popup code: https://pastebin.com/Z2rMKbA1

Camera images rotate when no motion, (large screen pops up when motion is detected)

camera motion activated pop-up with animated warning borders flashing

custom:fold-entity-row used for drop down selector to save space…

Backgrounds change every 7 seconds

Sensors to track HA components…

One of the night screens that rotate…

Pops up when door or window is opened, then popup closes when cleared

Reminders, I can never have enough :rofl:


Okay, so this isn’t much to look at… but this is part of my new Limited Guest Access login. The view only has controls for the room lights , fan, coffee maker and kitchen cabinets. This is one of 5 user logins that have different views and different accessibility to my HA instance. Should be finishing up soon:wink:

Started working on a few mobile popups that are sized for mobile veiwing…

Live voice with video notifications…

Pretty cool :sunglasses: and very useful to me. The ability to actually hear what event has just occurred :thinking:, instead of just hearing a ding :bellhop_bell: from my phone and then having to open up and see what it was, makes a huge difference when I’m extremely busy. browser-mod takes care of the mechanics from @thomasloven :raised_hands:t2: and then a simple app to keep the screen on so I stay logged into HA and a ‘blackout’ screen so I’m not eating up my battery…and voila! Live voice with video notifications…
not much of a video, but enough to get the point :trophy:

Good ider :grinning:

Very cool @Dino-Tech I only have iPads with no fixed power supply so unfortunately this won’t be useful to me right now. But next year when I will move out to another home I am certainly going to fix my ipads into the wall and create something like it.

Cool! I’ve been really getting bugged lately with my notifications dinging my phone and it was nothing of great importance and I stopped what I was doing to check my phone and it could’ve waited…and now, driving down the road and I can hear the event notification :wink: @jimz011

Yeah luckily I have an Apple Watch which will save me a bunch of “grabbing to my phone” moments. But for sure in the house with all the tablets pinging it is great to know immediately as people don’t tend to wear their watches forever at all times haha. I will probably do all of this stuff next year when we move to an actual home (I live in an appartment right now, though it is a 100 square meters I would still love to have a garden for my dog).

So don’t you dare quitting on Home Assistant before that :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hi @Dino-Tech, love what you are accomplishing! I have a quick question: How are you able to change the graph line and fill color in the charts above? I’m thinking it’s in you theme code, but don’t know what element to target. Thanks!

Since I don’t use many different types of graphs, I’d say you are referring to the custom card that I use mini-graph-card. Totally customizable to just about any configuration you need. The link is in this section here. Thanks!

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So I’ve been playing around with the Spotcast component and mini-media-player lately and decided to add a popup (of course :laughing:) with the Spotify controls. I also added the cover artwork to my old tablet screen to freshen it up a bit. The artwork automatically displays while Spotify is playing and goes back to normal when not playing…and YES, the main background wallpaper still changes every few minutes, so no gettin’ bored here :joy:
Code for :point_down:t2: popup :point_right:t2: HERE

Coffee and my fav local artist in the morning…

Can u share ur lovelace

I will be updating my repo soon with all of the update changes necessary for HA version 0.107.0 as soon as it is released. My set up has been moved to !includes to simplify duplication of individual sections/components so please :star: my repo for updates!! @myle

Trying out a few new display options using lovelace state-switch and restriction-card to maximize the screen space on my wall mount. Just the beginning of many ideas… https://youtu.be/VaXygu7FMgc

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Wow, very cool. I love how that rotates. Nice Job!

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Hi, how do you manage to add a wallpaper to the dashboard? I can’t at home.

Different ways, depending on your use case or need. Examples can be found in my repo :ok_hand:t2:

Update video using multiple levels of State-switch…

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Wow, really nice work. Is this video for wall mounting?

Thanks and yes, I have this running on all of my wall mounted tablets. 2 are Windows based and the other is Android.