Direct TV Change channel script stopped working

I had scripts that allow me to change channels on the Genie DVR. Recently they stopped working. The script runs but no change.

Any ideas?

Here is the script.

service: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: channel
  media_content_id: '004'
  entity_id: media_player.genie

I’ve got the same issue with an identical script

This script works

service: remote.send_command
entity_id: remote.genie
- 3
- 6
- 0

1 Like

Did your’s also stop a release or so ago?

Yes. It stopped working with 2022.6

Thanks for the tip! I added the remote code to all of my Scripts.

I tried both of the above methods and they both worked for me. I would assume that the box is either the main genie or if it is a wireless one it is on. Wireless genie AFAIK cannot be turned on except manually.

I would also note that for a long time I use the REST interface without issues. But I think I may rewrite my GUI to this method.

Did the script using media_content_type: channel work?
If so what version of HA are you using?

This works:


This also works:


Version core-2022.6.2
Installation Type Home Assistant Core
Development false
Supervisor false
Docker false
User homeassistant
Virtual Environment true
Python Version 3.9.13
Operating System Family Linux
Operating System Version 5.4.0-113-generic
CPU Architecture x86_64
Timezone America/Los_Angeles

The device itself is a wireless genie mini.

My old system used a rest_command to do things like this:

  url: http://{{ ipAddress }}:8080/remote/processKey?clientAddr={{ clientAddr }}&key={{ key }}

This also works. But when I get some time I am going to replace that with the “remote” integration. I just did some testing and found that the remote ‘poweroff’ and ‘poweron’ work with wireless genies. This is great and makes my Broadlink not needed.

However, I do not see (yet) a good way to add either of the first cases to some remote GUI.
Possibly the button presses like:

3 then 6 then 0 will not jump to channel 3, then 6, then 0 as opposed to waiting for 3-6-0

Needs testing