I tried both of the above methods and they both worked for me. I would assume that the box is either the main genie or if it is a wireless one it is on. Wireless genie AFAIK cannot be turned on except manually.
I would also note that for a long time I use the REST interface without issues. But I think I may rewrite my GUI to this method.
This also works. But when I get some time I am going to replace that with the âremoteâ integration. I just did some testing and found that the remote âpoweroffâ and âpoweronâ work with wireless genies. This is great and makes my Broadlink not needed.
However, I do not see (yet) a good way to add either of the first cases to some remote GUI.
Possibly the button presses like:
3 then 6 then 0 will not jump to channel 3, then 6, then 0 as opposed to waiting for 3-6-0