Directions for Rebuilding from Scratch

Running old deprecated version that is no longer allowing me to add devices. I’m concerned I have a corrupted system so I would like to rebuild my system from scratch. I have no issue doing the rebuild. Can anyone provide me with some directions to get started. I’m currently running RPI 4. Thanks in advance!

Rpi install instructions are here

…And if you haven’t already done/considered it. It’s a fantastic time to move to an SSD insead of an SD.

Excuse my ignorance, So I no longer need the Nortek zwave controller that plugged into RPI? Also, I assume the SSD refers to the type of card. So after reinstalling RPI OS onto a new SSD and following the onboarding procedures will any and all reference to my old system be gone? I’ve been using the Nabucasa remote subscription for a while. I assume I will need to terminate it and start back up once I’ve installed and built new system? Thanks again for any and all assistance.

That is only needed if you want to connect devices to your Home Assistant system which run on ZWave, but I assume that if you had it plugged in, you have at least some of these devices and you’ll need it again

Best regards

SSD refers to solid state drive while (micro)SD cards are the tiny :pinching_hand: memory cards often used together with cheap SBC.

You can start “fresh” (doing the onboarding) or instead restore a backup directly after fresh install to continue were you left :running_man: