DirecTV caption settings

I like to turn my captions on but everyone else doesn’t like them but they don’t know how to turn them off.
I would like to add a button to my dash board that will navigate to the menu to turn off the captions. Below, I have what I’ve come up with but here’s my problem. When the remote command first delivers the menu, there isn’t enough of a pause before the down command is sent. In the code below, I’ve tried the term “wait” and “delay” with no success.
Hiw can I insert a pause or a wait in the code below between each line? I am new to yaml and still have a lot to learn.
Thank you in advance for any assistance.

show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
action: call-service
service: remote.send_command
device_id: 4f415371ea8a831efcd6dae340b4629d
device: ‘1921686857’
delay_secs: 0.75
hold_secs: 0.5
- menu
- wait 5
- down
- wait 1
- down
- wait 1
- select
- wait 1
- select
- wait 1
- down
- wait 1
- select
- wait 1
- down
- delay 1
- down
- delay 1
- down
- delay 1
- down
- delay 1
- select
- delay 1
- select
- delay 1
- down
- delay 1
- select
- delay 1
- exit
entity: media_player.directv_033073189517