Since a small month I have hass.io running in docker on a proxmox vm. Everything is working fantastic and now I’m moving on to the next challenge. I would like to disable the alarms on the sonos play 1’s of my daughters during school holidays, which I can track from a google calendar. But I don’t succeed in setting up the right call from within Node Red to the sonos.update_alarm service. I need to pass several parameters (incl. alarm id and enabled in this case) But I don’t manage to get it working.
When I enter those 2 parameters (in JSON format) in the Data part when I select sonos.update_alarm as domain and service. I get the error Call-service API error. Error Message: extra keys not allowed @ data['alert_id']
. Below a screenshot of my approach in node red
What am I doing wrong or otherwise how do I go about this?