Disable and enable automations temporarily

I sometimes have the need for disabling an automation temporarily due to some “situation” happening. The problem is that I often then forget to re-enable it, when the “situation is over”.

When disabling - and enabling - an automation, it would be great to have the option to choose from:

  • Permanently
  • For 10 minutes
  • For one hour
  • For 10 hours
  • Until tomorrow

is something like that.

There is an extraordinary feature of HA for this: it’s called automations :slight_smile:


Or just a script

A script? What do you have in mind? (unless you talk about “while” or “repeats” or “delay”, which are abominations in an event-based system :wink: )

Sure, if it was needed for one or a few automations only. I am talking about a feature in the UI, so that it would be readily available for all automations.

If the delay is just a few minutes then a delay is fine, and if it’s a script it won’t run again automatically if he forgets to disable the automation that is supposed to enable when he forgets to enable while it’s disabled.
So in short, if he forgets then an automation is probably not the best option as I see it