Disable button for short period

I’m using the custom:button implementation on the frontend.

I have a node red flow that is using the trigger state node on the button clicks.

What I have noticed is that if the button is clicked and runs the flow, if it is clicked to fast after the first flow started the button will turn off but the flow does not pick it up. So I’m attempting to disable the button for say 10 seconds after it is clicked so this doesn’t happen.

The only other method i have thought of is to preform a check in the node red flow that checks how long the button state changed from say on to off and if it is too short force the button back on but that seems like that would cause more issues.

The custom button implementation has a lock but doesn’t work like I thought. It locks the button but you can unlock it but pressing the button again or setting it to press and hold.

A great feature would be if we had a property we could set on things in the UI to temporarily disable them. I know there is the conditional card but I only need it disabled for a short period of time.

There is a limit node that can limit the number of messages in a sequence.
You can set it to 1 message/10 seconds if you like.

Or another of my favourites is the trigger and block.
This is triggered by the first message and will not allow any messages to pass until you have reset it.
Usually you do that by looping back from the end of the sequences and change the payload to reset.

That seems like it will work but I still need to account for the button getting turned off. So I’m going possibly have to place some logic with that which flips the button back to on otherwise it will show off when it’s really on