Disable button/switch between given time

Hey guys,

i searched but cant find anything to solve my issue. I hope you can send me in the right direction!

We got many switches for lights etc. (KNX). I would like to disable some switches between two times like for example 09:00 and 06:30 so its impossible to activate them by accident.

Is there any simple way to do so?


Do you want to deactivate them on HA UI or on KNX (or both)?

Only in HA.
The KNX-installation works for it self, HA should just be an interface.

So you want the disabled status to be synced to HA from Knx (DPT3)? Or should that just be a HA internal thing?

Just HA! Ignore that i mentioned KNX :smiley:

Ok in this case maybe Temporarily or dynamically disable an entity does the job.

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Thats looks promising!
Thank you very much, farmio!

Thats it! Thank you!

I could create a simple binary sensor with the “times-of-the-day” platform and can use it in the conditional card!


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