I’m having an issue with some shellys that I use to control my curtain motors, the way that the motor works is by closing a relay to open the curtain, and closing another relay to close the curtain. Because of that the shelly can’t calibrate the curtain position, as we don’t have any current drawing from the curtain when in motion. The issue with shelly is that it reports the status of the curtain as it last pushed action, if we opened the curtain it shows as open, and if we closed the curtain it shows as closed. Even when we stopped the curtain in the middle.
Moving to HA, when I add the shelly because it receives a status from the shelly, I only get the option to open when the curtain status is closed and vice versa. If I stopped the curtain in the middle of opening, and I want to open the curtain again, I need to close, and the open the curtain.
There is a way to tell HA not to look on the state a certain entity is giving? I tried with customize in the configuration.yaml but it only changes attributes, not states.
Or maybe a way to have always available the open, close and stop button on a cover entity card?
I know that I could make a custom template with the cover and set the value as none and then I will have all buttons available, but I don’t want to make a template cover for each device…
Try to use service calls in the HA developer tools.
If you can make the calls there, then it easy to just make a custom button set.
If you can not do it there, then it is probably the integration or the device that blocks it and then HA itself can not change it.
Using a service call to control the device works perfect, also setting up a template cover with service calls works perfect. As long as I set the value template as none.
The issue is that the HA is optimistic with the device and if I send the open command I can’t send an open command again until I send a close command before, because HA think’s that the curtain is open
The idea is to be able to set on a cover entity to ignore completely the current state that it gets
If you can do the things with service calls and not with the buttons on the UI card, then the limitation is in the card.
You can try other cards or make your own to get around the limitation.
Hello, a bit late to the topic but I am searching for the same thing (I am using the RFXcom integration but in the end it is the same, I don’t want home assistant to make assumption about the cover position because there is no feedback and the covers can be operated through other means than HA itself).
I was able to reach what you requested by using “assumed_state: true” in the configuration of each cover.
It does not prevent HomeAssistant from assuming a position, which is meaningless, but it does allow for the control button to be available at all time.
I am still trying to get the same for a group of said covers.
Hope it helps