Some people (like me) have a few “LAB/Test” Dashboards, or maybe a Dashboard which one would like to “Disable” temporary, or for longer periods(for some reasons)
LAB/Test Dashboards tend to commute high usage, with all card/template/graph “tests” , but one surely don’t starts to delete much there(always good to have “nearby” ) , other Dashboards might be irrelevant for a period, and others maybe for Temporary Users/ or uses ( well there must be others that have some reasons )
The thing is, everything is loaded, upon start/restart, cards/scripts/templates etc ( and who knows what )
Would be great if one could “Disable” a Dashboard, in i.e /Settings/Dashboards, so this wont affect Usage And/or why not stability / functionality in common … would also be nice in “Troubleshooting” purposes, ( Disable a dashboard, if one things it causes above mentioned issues )
PS: i left this in GitHub/Frontend/Discussions also, thought it was there i should “place this”