Disable database: "recorder" not in configuration.yaml

I read that in order to disable frequent write to flash drive on a Pi installation, I need to disable history and recorder in the </config/configuration.yaml>.

I see history in there, but I don’t see recorder. Did that get moved?

I don’t think recorder has been in the default configuration.yaml file. I haven’t been using HA for that long, but it wasn’t in when I started. However, the recorder component will be automatically loaded anyway if you’re using history (and probably logbook, too.) So, if you don’t want the recorder at all I believe you’ll need to remove history and logbook from your configuration. But if you want history or logbook, or for entities’ states to be saved and restored across restarts, then you have to have recorder. You can, however, exclude as much as you like from what gets recorded. See Recorder.