I have a homeasstant+grafana+influxdb setup running in docker containers, and configured with docker-compose. I have a few grafana graphs embedded as lovelace cards.
Problem: sometimes these grafana cards start asking a login/password.
I already tried number of options to suppress login screen and allow anonymous grafana access, but it still asks the password when loading those cards. Here is my grafana section of the docker-compose file
Hi I had the same problem and solved it as following:
I use the following docker container: Docker Hub
that is running on my Synology, so I’m just going to give you a step by step guide how to do it there, but I’m sure this will work for other systems as well.
log in to your Synology through SSH
In your SSH command, execute: sudo docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> bash
Of course, replace the container_id with the correct id.
You are now logged in the bash of the docker container.
Locate file: /etc/grafana/grafana.ini and use nano to edit the file