Disabled Automation Not Visible in GUI

I have disabled several automations and they are now not visible in the GUI although they are still present in the automations.yaml file. I have spent several hours googling this but it seems most other solutions are regarding all the automations not visible or other unrelated issues. It seems like I am missing something basic to just make them visible again since the code is still present.

this is the workflow that causes them to be hidden. I would appreciate any help on where to look.

  1. create a new automation ‘New Automation 81’
  2. click the three dots on the far right of the row in the Automations tab to open the menu
  3. Click ‘Show settings’
  4. Click the toggle button “Enabled” to disable the automation. This also toggles the ‘Visible’ toggle button to off as well.
  5. Click the “Update” button.
  6. At this point, the Automation is no longer visible in the GUI from a browser or the mobile app. I’m not sure if it still functions or not; I have not tried debugging whether they still run in this state. No amount of restarting home assistant or rebooting HAOS or clearing the browser cache seems to affect it at this point.
  7. (All) of the ‘disabled’ automations are still present in the yaml file and the other automations in the yaml file are visible and functioning normally.

As I am fairly new to home assistant, I have now learned that this enable/disable button was not the one I needed to toggle, but instead the untitled toggle button on the row in the Automations tab. To be fair to myself though, I was out of town trying to disable some automations while away, and this toggle button does not seem to be present on the android app, which is how I ended up choosing the ?wrong? method.

Are you able select STATE as the Group By Category option, in the GUI?

Settings > Devices & services > select Entities tab at the top > type in “automation.” in the search field to filter out only automations > click the table header Status to group by status > all your disabled automations should now be clustered together and easy to find

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I tried this but they were not visible at all, so there was only one group and they were all ‘on’

Thank you very much! this was exactly what I was looking for and couldn’t find.

I was pretty surprised to find automations listed under the ‘entities’ tab. But, sure enough there they were and I was easily able to re-enable them.