have searched the forum, but haven’t found the answer - hopefully someone can point me in the right direction:
Is there some way to “disable” devices - or make Home Assistant (using hass.io 0.72.1) aware, that they are in fact intentionally not available and polling/surveillance of these therefore not needed?
While I can ignore devices completely in the configuration, I have not found a way to make this happen periodically in Home Assistant?
When the house is empty, a lot of stuff is turned completely off (Sonos, IR-repeaters, etc.) - and when at home, some devices are turned off in certain rooms, depending on changing conditions based on what’s going on in the house…
However, as they are now not responding, Home Assistant goes into a frency op polling those devices in order to get in touch with these devices (and floods the log with lines of all the attempts).
Of course, I can change the level of logging and avoid the flooding of logs, but the main point is, that the activity is basically futile and the most logical thing to do would be to change a setting somewhere that made Home Assistant aware of the situation (=ok, right now I don’t need to poll), that could then be changed when appropriate (=ok, now I need to be totally cool about if the device responds or not…)…
Any ideas?