Disabling the cloud component

Hi, is core/homeassistant/components/default_config/manifest.json at cd8dac65b39c71b63495a385c4e36ff9b1e45ae3 · home-assistant/core · GitHub the same as default_config: ?
I pasted this instead of default_config in my configuration.yaml file and got the error below
I want to remove default_config because I want to disable cloud component.

Remove what you have already added. If you remove the default_config entry, you will need to go through this list and add all the entries that you need. Click on each entry that you want to add for a ‘how to’ add it to the config file.

For example, Backup - Home Assistant has no information on how to add it. Are you sure this is the correct page?

Yes I am sure. That backup is only for core and container installs, use the link for haos and supervised. To add it would likely be
