Disconnect Solar and Battery

Hello everyone and thank you for trying to help.

I have 2 solar power plants, one of them powers the house, the other powers the Zendure Solarflow PV hub directly, so there is no link between the solar production that HA sees (power plant 1) and my system battery however it is IMPOSSIBLE to remove the link between panels and battery… or in any case I have not found it so far either in the energy dashboard, nor with the Power Flow Card Plus.

Would one of them have encountered the problem and found the solution to remove the link between Solar and Battery. I searched the community forum but couldn’t find anything.


The Energy dashboard assumes one electrical system, not two. But if you want, you can create two separate cards using the power flow card plus you mentioned. If it is one electrical system, the connection is not wrong.

But it seems like you are saying HA does not see the second solar array, directly feeding the battery. If so, the energy dashboard misses part of the equation. That might be a bigger problem. The line connecting solar production to the battery should be the power of solar array that is feeding it. If it isn’t there, HA will assume the battery is charged from the grid and/or the solar array it does see.

Hello Edwin.

Thank you very much for your interest in my request. I made a drawing to illustrate what my setup looks like:

as you can see the PV Hub (Zendure Solarflow PV Hub) manage by himself the battery (directly in DC).

The battery powering doesn’t go back through the house and then return to the battery… it’s not the front and back MOs that supply power either that’s why i don’t need a link between solar production and battery.

i don’t make anylink between the different production, solar is provide by Mo Front (MO1) and MO Back (MO2), and Battery is provided by an other solar generator in the energy panel settings:

… however in is drawing and calc HA energy dashboard don’t reflect it and make a link between solar prod and battery:
Energy drawing

Idem for Power Flow Card Plus:

I understand the setup with the battery charging from DC. HA assumes the battery can also charge from the grid. Can it? If it can, the line is correct.

Also, if it cannot, the charge into the battery will never be greater that the solar output of the panels connected to it. In that case, the line is drawn, but it doesn’t matter, because the numbers will still be correct.

Making 2 simple cards is not either effective because the sensor that monitors the return to the grid sees the overproduction of mo front and back while the Zendure PV Hub does not actually produce anything:

Thanks for your attention :pray:
Excuse me for the multiple reply but i was obliged as i can post only one pic by message.

In my case (PV Hub), battery canot be charge from the grid.

This is my other problem: while my configuration seems to be correct, HA crashes in its calculations. See the following screenshots:

While Zendure provide me the following data:
0814: From solar: 1.58kWh, consumed: 1.44kWh
0815: From solar: 2.04kWh, consumed: 2.24kWh
(i’ve got a 2k battery aka AB2000)

as you can see HA considers that there is much more solar energy provided to the battery :cry:

Crashes how? Wrong calculations are not a crash.

If that is the case, your sensors aren’t configured properly.
As far as I can tell, you listed the battery/solar combo as battery (only) and not as solar. You have 3 PV’s but list only one. That is most likely why. And I’m not sure what the sign of the battery energy should be for charge vs load. I think it is now listing solar yield as battery charge.

Ha! Yes Edwin : it’s not a crash, sorry it was an automatic translation bug.

Otherwise the sources are correctly defined in the energy dashboard settings:

my 2 mo as solar energy supply

and on the battery side,

  • Battery Input Power 2, as incoming solar energy (a sensor provided by Zendure and which relates to the energy drawn from the panels connected to it)

  • New MO - Garage YieldDay, as outgoing energy (whether it is the panels that produce or the battery, at the end it is converted into AC by the MO connected to the PV Hub (my New MO Garage))

… at one point I thought about deleting the incoming source to remove any link with the rest of the infrastructure but it is impossible: when you declare a battery in the energy panel settings you are forced to declare an incoming energy source.

Never i said to HA that my front and Back MO provide something to the battery. During the day, although there is an imaginary link between solar production and the battery, solar production does not impact the amounts indicated in the battery bubble, BUT when the end of day is over and calculations are done they are added!

This is what I am talking about. Battery output is not the same as combined panels/battery output. If the battery is full and not discharging and the sun is shining, you should have nothing going in or out in the sensors that represent the battery, but you should have a sensor listed at the solar production that tells HA the energy produced by the Garage inverter is sun. Without that, How would HA know what is what?

HA has no information about how the Solarflow device indicated as a battery works. It does not know how energy is provided to the MO, all it knows is whether energy is provided or not and that’s all it has to know.

Under the Energy panel settings, the inverters that I declared in the solar power plant have no link with the Solarflow but HA inevitably considers that the solar production goes either to the house or to the battery! The statistics are therefore corrupted.

Apart from removing the link between solar and battery I do not see any other solution.

HA is considered configurable… but the Energy panel only considers one type of infrastructure and does not provide a solution to configure others it seems… unless diving into the Energy panel code which I do not know how to do… I do not even know if it is feasible.