Discover: homekit - Aqara Hub

My Current Version of Home Assistant: 0.81

I have used discover method to add Aqara hub (HomeKit Compatible) to the home assistant.

    - homekit

And added it after inserting the homekit code for the aqara hub. But I don’t know how to get the sensors connected with the aqara hub in the home assistant now. Any assistance would be appreciated.

But now support HomeKit in HA, let you can import hub also or only you can read device sensor connected to HomeKit ?

@dustardly2 at the moment it is only show me the hub not showing the individual sensors connected with the hub

but like in xiaomi old sensor hub you can see xiaomi light sensor and command turn on turn off light hub?

have you try to see if binary sensor are added in the list of HA sensor, maybe not showed but are imported in /dev-state

I assume you mean the xiaomi app in this case it is Xiaomi Aqara app. And yes sensors are present there and it shows triggered when motion sensor is triggered.

I am new to HA so not sure how to check dev state. Would appreciate some assistant in this regard

in your browser put youripHA/dev-state


in this page you see sensor, in filter entities case write binary sensor and see if show something .

@dustardly2 no doesn’t show up in the dev-state either

Did you figure something out and made it work? Because I have the same setup and cannot se any of the connected sensors either?

The Homekit Import component do not support sensors yet.

But you also have the hub in the Apple Home App?

looks like sensors are now supported … did anyone managed to use it