Discovered Integrations/Devices - Show IP Address

It would so very helpful when you reboot and new items show up in the Devices & Services window, if the IP Address of the discovery were shown. Some of these items are logical - others are not so much, and wonder if I am picking things up from neighbors.

For example this one - I do not own one of these: image

What if they aren’t connected to the network? Discovery shows stuff besides IP connected devices.

I do not know what this TV is. I have 2 in my home (Samsung and Sony) that can do ‘Smart’ stuff, the Visio and the other one cannot. It would be nice if the IP address (would show on the discovered items) – do not know how else something like a TV would be discovered. I know of no TVs which are ZWave or Zigbee.

I can only think that this is not in my home - and is broadcasting something. As it is not in the list now. I rebooted the HA and it is not showing as discovered - but my Samsung & Sony are there. The VIZIO has never shown, nor has the TV in the Guest Room. All of them are on the home WiFi - but only the Samsung and the Sony have every shown.

I dare say it will you in the logs.

I think it is a TCL branded Roku TV using Homekit and the last two numbers in it’s MAC address are F9:8D.

I expect you have the Homekit Controller integration set up?


I do not have anything TCL or HomeKit in my home. Which is why I think I am picking up something in a neighbor’s house when they have it ON.

I have a pretty strong WiFi setup - and I seem to see things that are 2-3 houses away from me. When I am looking at signals - I can see 20+ WiFi Signals (some of them printers or what look like ‘gaming consoles’) – LOL

it is baffling to me that it’s so hard to get more info about devices that are discovered. Searching the discovered name in logs brings up no info. I don’t see any obvious query to run in the sql database to show info either. This absolutely should be a feature


I’d like to support this request. If there is an IP or MAC address for a discovered device, please show it. Otherwise in larger installs this becomes a nightmare to guess.

Here the example for multiple Hue bridges over 3 floors:

Guessing is no option in this case. No way to identify which one is which.

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+1 for this request please, I still have items showing up in my discovery and I’m not sure what device it is on my network!

+1 for this. Home-Assistant must have this info so it should be easy to implement

I +1 this. I expected this to be basic functionality.