Discussion thread for camera URL options now that token URL's have been depreciated

I was using the api token URL’s for Kodi and three tablets using MQTT Dashboard however these applications only support HTTP streams. The camera URL feature shown in your attributes like this

entity_picture: /api/camera_proxy/camera.driveway?token=1d21d24f133f99a6694eeebb52ff2b7037725782a1490a9ad28a09fb8ff4ae4a

was super handy for embedding into various applications but it’s been depreciated in 0.101.x so now I’m a bit stuck.

I’m looking for a some discussion that would provide options to create HTTP URL’s from RTSP streams so I can consolidate streams from multiple bits of camera hardware. I’ve looked into using Ant Media Server and I tested this in a Linux VM inside Promox and although it works well, it does not suit my application as the created streams still do not work in MQTT Dashboard. I’ve also looked into rtsp-stream and although I got this up in Docker, I could not figure out how to use it.

It’s a real shame the native HA URL’s fail after the 2nd refresh now (without trusted networks) as that makes them unusable so if anyone has some thoughts on alternatives, that would be appreciated. For context, the closed issue I created is here.

Seems the answer was quite easy. I installed the motioneye add-on which expose HTTP URL’s like etc. I grabbed the still URL direct from the camera and used the motioneye URL’s where a HTTP stream was required.

With four cameras, bumped by NUC i3 from 4% CPU to ~16% so should not be too much of an issue.