Diseaster / Fallback-Strategy when Home Assistant needs Assistance

Im not sure i understand what you mean, The devices reacts upon the RC’s, and you’ll see the response immediately in HA, so HA immediately respond to the “events” and “state” changes… and what are you exactly means by below ? ( did someone confuse you , in regards to how things works ? )

Haha, na, now im fine :smiley:

The HA can react to the State of the Lights, not to the RC themselfs.
Can: If the Lights got turned on, start a a Timer and play Music
Can not: If the RC has the event “Dimmed up”, Make music louder (no change to any Light)

If the (Tradfri-)Gateway would have passed the RC-Events directly to Homeassistant, and would have been configurable to e.g. ignore Button-Left-Events. Then i would have configured the (Tradfri-)Gateway to always do the Basic Stuff (and HA to “mirror” it), so it would work even when HA is down.

Not beeing happy with what Ikea predefined for Remote <> Light is one of the main things that brought me to Homeassistant! :smiley:

IF the RC passes the “events” to HA(in some way), instead of Device/Gateway, the RC won’t work if HA is down … thats the whole point, of having the “Gateway” ( controlling devices from APP in i.e.phone or HA)… AND you can flash/program the ikea (5 button RC’s) but still It’s “talking” Zigbee, so how would you ever get a Device (laptop, Pi, NAS , whatever HA “nest on”) that is not build for sending/receiving Zigbee to “respond” to a Zigbee-signal ? … and in regards to your last “commend” … i don’t know what you are “not happy about” , where / to what did you paired your RC’s to, a tradfri-outlet(plug), a Tradfri-Driver ? , Do you have a Tradfri-Controller(hub), and “paired/repaired” any Devices yet ?
PS: The “event” if passed from HA, goes through the “Gateway” to the Device, The events/state from a “Device” goes Through the Gateway to HA , but yes you could “flash/programme” your RC to use for other(or maybe ikea) Zigbee devices/gateway … but still the “state” does come from the Device you are controlling

Well, if i didnt get it wrong, then a remote can only be paired once. Either with a tradfri-Light, a Tradfri-Hub, or e.g. HA/Deconz.
So i can’t e.g. use button up to turn the light on (via tradfri-Gateway) and button left to turn on a tasmota-light (via HA/Deconz).
Probaly one could improvise with unnoticable e.g. changing the color, which triggers a HA-Event. But well… :grinning:
Thank you very much for taking your Time, appreciate it! :relaxed:

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If you plan to use your 5Button for something else

I use backup on regular basis. My backups are stored in usb stick plug in one of my routers. My switches are wifi but I’m migrating more towards zigbee. If home assistant goes down all my lights will be operational but everything wouldnt be accessible online. Switches can work without net like normal switch would do. I know that for sure for my zigbee switches as they can operate lights before I pair them to home assistant. The only problem I will have is a few dumb switches used on stairs. They wouldn’t be able to control light without network.
If I dont know what happens I believe I can get my server running in day or two.