Dishwasher - Candy simply FI - CDI 6015 WiFi

I have the same issue wiyh my washer dryer. This is the reason I made the component I shared in my previous message: listening for the messages the machine try to send to the cloud instead of sending request to the machine is more reliable with my appliance.

According to Dishwasher - Candy simply FI - CDI 6015 WiFi - #106 by LePiaf this happem when the machine has nothing to update. I haven’t checked if this is true.

Hey there,

i also have a Hoover H-Wash 500. It refuses to answer to http-requests. I sniffed the network traffic and found out that it communicates with but sadly the communication is encrypted with TLS 1.2.

I will try to mask my server as the hoover/haier/candy one, but at the moment it replies to the syn-package with ICMP Destination unreachable (Communication administratively filtered).

Hi thanks,
I have seen your custom_component
Wath means:

“If your machine send the data with encrypted=0, you don’t need to add the appliance in the list.”


  • mac: “24:6f:28:aa:aa:aa”
    encryption_key: “abcdefghik”

So i have to inserto only


In my configuration.yaml?

anyone that know wath means MachMd for Candy Washing Machine?

MachMd means the current state of the machine. See this code for what each value means: home-assistant-candy/ at e82dd7ddf1bd320e77f0188381e4387456677b5b · ofalvai/home-assistant-candy · GitHub

Hi, can you please help me to get key? It’s Hoover H-Free 500 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner. Thank you


Hi everybody,

i’ve an candy oven, model fct896x-wifi (

with curl, curl -s httx://IP/http-read.json?encrypted=1

i’ve obtain the crypt key:

by online python:

0 keys to test

** Process exited - Return Code: 0 **
Press Enter to exit terminal

instead with xorknown script:

python crypted.txt

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 37, in <module>
    if sys.argv[2].strip().lower()[:5] == "--key":
IndexError: list index out of range

Please, can you help me?
Thanks a lot

Your key is full of zeros, but not the character ‘0’ the byte value 0.

In other, you dont need to don’t need to do decryption, just the conversion from hex (fromhex in python / xxd on the command line).

If you need a key you can try something like “\x00” or b"\x00".

Did you try with encrypted=0 in the url?

Hi dzamlo,

with command xxd -r -p crypted.txt, i’ve converted from hex, so i can see:


with encrypted=0 i received {“response”:“BAD REQUEST”}

So what key i need to assing in hassio integration? With both value “\x00” or b"\x00" issued i receive an error:

communicating with API: Exception(‘Unable to detect machine type from API response’, {‘response’: ‘BAD REQUEST’})

Thanks for support

You need to set the use_encryption parameter to true. But then I don’t know if you can actually use your key with interface.

If after setting use_encryption to true you get errors that seems related to the key or something about invalid json or encoding, you should open an issue on the repo of the custom designs integration.

I wasn’t abke to obtain my key. Someone help me?

env: can’t execute ‘python2’: No such file or directory

Which wifi chip does Candy use?

You can run the mac address of your Candy device through to find out!

It’a chip from espressif. The fact that it has ble too, suggests an ESP32.

You said the magic word! Thanks!

I’ve just tried the hOn app but it didn’t recognise my serial number, I think I have to use the Hoover Wizard app, which is different and has no wi-fi reset option. I have managed to connect, the SSID is case sensitive on the dryer.

Hi @dzamlo

I moved my dishwasher to another network and had to reset the Wi-Fi. Can you please get my key from my encrypted reply? Thanks :slight_smile:

PS: I tried with your script ( and got a “Process exited - Return Code: 0” message.


BTW, what’s the difference between the two Candy Simplify integrations available on HACS?

Hi All, I just bought a HOOVER H-Dry 300 HLE C9DRGR Tumble Dryer…

i’ve tried to retrieve the key from this device and i’m just getting

## Candy Simply-Fi tool by Melvin Groenendaal ## 
error: connect
error: get_candySimplify_data, could not get data from server

I also can’t hit the URL in the browser… does this stuff still work or do i just have a non compatible device?

your key: TqaM9Jxh8I1MmcGA

Your answer is incomplete, either you missed the end when copy pasting, or there is a bug with your appliance

I will check that later at home and report back. Thanks.