Dishwasher Vibration

Looking for stocking stuffers.

I have this idea for an automation where I’d like to get alerted if the dishwasher hasn’t run by a certain time, hasn’t run in more than 24 hours, etc. Nothing worse than waking up to dirty dishes, afterall.

I was looking at the Aqara vibration sensors, wondering whether anyone has any advice about whether these work well with HA, whether I’ll be able to tell the difference between dishwasher running and someone walking by etc.

Any other devices that might make this work?

You have a lot topics about dishwaser automations.
I use smart plug, contact sensor and finger bot for automations.
It all comes down to your diswasher type.
Mine is simple dumb dishwasher that has knob on it for selecting programs so i can use contact sensor to see if diswashet is on.
Finger bot is used to push play button on it.
I use automations to define statuses for it on dropdown helper using input select.

I use the Aqara vibration sensor on my washing machine, works good but I’ve had two instances where it stops detecting vibration but keeps on reporting that it is connected. Both times I’ve had to repair it to get it reporting vibration again. I’ve had it set up for around 1,5 years so doesn’t happen too often. Not sure how it would detect vibrations on a dishwasher. It also reports tilt-angles, you could look into using that. Maybe a smart socket that reports energy consumption is better?

Simple power meter plug. I use esphome WiFi base ones which allow to have the logic directly on the plug.

Example for the washing machine with phase detection

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