Disk Metric shows 87% of the disc space used

My HA is installed on Intell mini PC with 250GB SSD and 16 GB RAM. After last update I have around 25% disc available and couple times it’s show warning " Less than 1GB memory available"
Anybody else have same issue? What should I do to clean disk space and speed up my HA
DB file already deleted ( No changes) and I have DB purge and only 4 days of DB to store. I am not an expert in all this topics, please forgive me if I wrote something incorrectly.

Hello Yevgeniy,
Disk space being eaten up - #9 by mjvanderveen.
Could be your problem, or just too many backups in general on the drive.

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Thank you for link and suggestion. I delete 2 backups from my disk before I took a screenshot.
Usually, I have 4 backups on Google drive and last 2 on the disk, just in case. Still showing 86% disk space occupied. Any other recommendations? Open for any solutions, except erasing HA and start from scratch :smiley:

Did you look at the link in that message?
Not the same problem.

Yes, I did. Didn’t try this yet, because not quite understand what to do. I have ssh installed, but don’t understand commands which I have to use there. Need a step-by-step detailed instruction ( I am not familiar with ssh commands)
Also, is that will work with HA OS installed on PC or it’s just for Docker Container installation?
Thank you

Just type or paste into the terminal:
du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 20

Thank you very much for help. @Sir_Goodenough and @Sandalman , I followed your recommendation and after I use rm -rf /root/backup/* command I delete 4 backup files and gain another 15% of the storage. Than I use du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 20 command and this is what I got:

What should I do with this information and which files is safe to delete?
Also 5th time for this week( after last update) I got this message:

But processor and memory is less than 20% in use