Disk usage 98.8% Why?

How should we know why your disk is full??


I do not know !! :smiley:
I don’t understand where to find and empty the /dev/mmcblk1p2 folder

Whell first write command


and give us output back

ohh its df :-X

LOL 50G :smiley:

du -a / | sort -n -r | head -n 20

This will give you 20 largest files.
wait for it :slight_smile: as you have 50G lol

This is the result but I don’t know how to decipher it and consequently know what is or is happening


now do

ls -la /config/

do you have some docker there by any chance?
As the list have largest file/folder only 4GB

It’s something in /config/core


ls -la /config/core

Yeah but its not 49GB.
I think there is something else

4924860 is in KB or Kb
So its 4,9 GB/Gb
idont remember exactly.Nevertheless i dont think this is it

KB, and you’re right. I was off by a factor of 10.

i deleted a core file that was 4Gb in config.
I have now dropped to 89.4% disk usage but it still seems like a lot to me.
Here is the question ‘if I have any dockers?’ i can’t answer this question because i don’t understand what dockers are :frowning:

Do you have any addons?

They run in their own docker containers.

If by add-ons you mean things like floorplan, alexa, haaska wheather etc the answer is yes.
If they are in their docker containers I wouldn’t know the answer :frowning:

Its hard/slow to assist if im not infront the PC :no_mouth:

It would also be nice to know on what kind of system this is.
I had a similar issue on my hyperv, turned out that i forgot to enable ‘auto-expand’ :frowning:

No those are integrations.
