Running Home Assistant Core 2021.11.5 my RPi installations shows a fast growing use of disk space.
Having a SSD drive I still have a reserve, but obviously something is wrong. When I get folder infos I see a normal disk usage. So where are my 45 GB hidden used space used???
OS Version: Home Assistant OS 6.6
Home Assistant Core: 2021.11.5
Home Assistant URL: http://homeassistant-r4.local:8123
Observer URL: http://homeassistant-r4.local:4357
[core-ssh ~]$ du -sh /*
4.0K /addons
4.0G /backup
7.8M /bin
8.1M /config
52.0K /data
0 /dev
2.1M /etc
4.0K /home
4.0K /init
4.7M /lib
112.0K /libexec
4.0K /media
4.0K /mnt
4.0K /opt
0 /proc
8.0K /root
224.0K /run
84.0K /sbin
8.0K /share
4.0K /srv
76.0K /ssl
0 /sys
16.0K /tmp
145.5M /usr
84.0K /var
Here direct from the terminal:
[core-ssh /]$ df -h /dev/sda8
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda8 116.7G 57.8G 54.1G 52% /backup
Hint/Question: I run Maria DB, where is the DV stored?