Dismiss Introduction - by mistake

Brand New here and as you can see, only 4 hours in and have made a mistake.
I clicked the ‘dismiss’ on the introduction frame and now I can’t get it back.
I thought it would come back on a reload as the configuration.yaml still has the introduction: item
I was playing around trying to get wunderground to work on hassio 0.57.0 on RPi3 (it doesn’t)
The last thing I want to do is rewrite the sd and start again … ; - /
I know I could just bookmark https://home-assistant.io/components/ in the browser but …
Any help appreciated

totally understand your wish!
its not a mistake you made its a change in the latest update:

hope to get it back myself. I think the Dismiss should only take out the hint how to use/notuse the card, and not take out the Card itself.

As it stands one has to have the persistent notification in view for the Card to remain visible. I hope this will be changed soon.


Thanks for the swift reply.
This was not urgent and I appreciate someone responding over the weekend (when you, like I, have better things to do ; - ))) )
I booted hassio this morning (not using live as yet) and introduction is there, not quite sure what all the “restart server management” accomplished (other than delay)
Still getting to grips with all this so I suppose I will be back with more questions quite soon.
This forum is a hell of a resource, but not easy to find stuff (I suppose I’m not using the right key words ; - ((( )
Many Thanks

It won’t come back though as before, dev’s pointed out to me.
Only thing to have the links in your front-end as i see it now is to have a weblink card. No text there, but you can create a list of useful things at hand :wink: