Display diferent size flame icon on boiler modulation level

Hello all,

I’m having a boiler with openthem gateway and it shows the modulation level for the flame. My goal is to display a big flame icon on the dashboard, a little one when the modulation level is low and bigger, and then biggest.
I cannot find a solution to display different flame icons on the dash.
Does anyone have an idea?.

Thanks in advance.


Picture elements card and have it conditionally display one of the icons.
That’s the only way I can think of.

If you need it in Picture elements:
google for “picture elements small tutorial” → 1st post → conditional styling

If you need it in other card:
go to main card-mod thread → 1st post → link at the bottom titled “fantastic” → choose your card & see how to style an icon (if an example is not given for your particular card - use a corr. example for Entities card)