Display disparate series data Apex Chart

firstly, yes, there is an apex charts sub thread however with over 4,000 posts on there :exploding_head: I fear anything I do will just get lost in the swarm and it’s hard to maintain a conversation. furthermore I don’t think my issue is apex charts related It’s more of an awareness of how to use it and the concepts of charting which I’m not very good at.

issue I have is that I have Four series data.
Three of them are temperature related in the house so they are within the range of say 15 to 25°C through the day
The fourth series is water temperature through radiators which can range from 0 or pretty low, to 70.
my apex chart for the 2 series plots fine but when I add the third - the radiator temperature - the other two series become pretty much straight lines and are skewed on the scale.
I don’t know what this phenomenon is called and I don’t know how to fix it.
Any ideas please

I have attached the chart with the three working series .

I’d like to add the radiator temperature to this but it ranges from 0 to 70 which more or less makes these three lines pretty much flat on there about on the y axis

Plot it on a second y-axis.

Thankyou, I googled that and got it so work.
Any idea why my right hand Yaxis title “LWT” is not being displayed? I’ve got no errors on the yaml below.

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  show: true
  title: Room temperature
  show_states: true
  colorize_states: true
graph_span: 72h
  - entity: sensor.heating_climatecontrol_room_temperature
    yaxis_id: thermostat
    name: Thermostat
    type: area
    curve: smooth
    color: gray
    opacity: 0.3
    stroke_width: 1
    float_precision: 2
      legend_value: false
      in_chart: true
  - entity: sensor.meter_plus_da53
    yaxis_id: lounge
    name: Lounge
    type: line
    stroke_width: 1
    float_precision: 2
      legend_value: false
      in_chart: true
  - entity: sensor.meter_plus_88d5
    yaxis_id: kitchen
    name: Kitchen
    type: line
    stroke_width: 1
    float_precision: 2
      legend_value: false
      in_chart: true
  - entity: sensor.heating_climatecontrol_leaving_water_temperature
    yaxis_id: lwt
    name: LWT
    type: line
    stroke_width: 1
    float_precision: 2
      legend_value: false
      in_chart: true
  - id: thermostat
    opposite: false
    show: false
  - id: lounge
    opposite: false
  - id: kitchen
    opposite: false
    show: false
  - id: lwt
          text: "lwt"
    opposite: true
    show: true

If you look at the example here, you do not use “yaxis” under “apex_config” at that point in the config.

so where and how is the y axis title defines?

i got my attempt from the docs:

and according to this, apex_config can go under yaxis??

Also, I tried

  - id: thermostat
    opposite: false
    show: false
  - id: lounge
    opposite: false
  - id: kitchen
    opposite: false
    show: false
  - id: lwt
    opposite: true
    show: true
      text: "axis label"

that didn't work either (yaml error)

This is the example:

type: custom:apexcharts-card
  show: true
  title: Max Soft Bounds + Min Fixed Bound
graph_span: 20min
  - entity: sensor.random0_100
yaxis: # only 1 yaxis, no need for id or yaxis_id
  - min: 0
    # if the sensor doesn't go above 50, the max of the axis will be 50
    # else the max will be the maximum value of the sensor
    max: ~50
    decimals: 0
      tickAmount: 4

So you still have apex_config, but don’t have yaxis (again):

  - id: thermostat
    opposite: false
    show: false
  - id: lounge
    opposite: false
  - id: kitchen
    opposite: false
    show: false
  - id: lwt
    opposite: true
    show: true
        text: "axis label"

thanks for trying …
not sure you understand…

but I want to show two Y axis, and riighthand y axis title plotting let only. lefthand yaxis plots all other series

After you gave up on me I approached a completely different forum unrelated to home assistant where I was able to elicit most helpful replies with examples and even a bit of tutoring what more could one want Kind people :pray: I will unsubscribe from this post so unfortunately I Will be unable to bear witness to subsequent replies