Display Fuel Prices on Map Card

I am hoping for some input and ideas on how to solve my predicament…

I use the tankerkönig Integration to fetch Fuel Prices from Petrol Stations in my sourrounding.
This works like a charm and the Entities also contain Positional information.

Here is an Example of one such entity:

With this positional information I can display them on a map card:
(same Petrol station as in the example above)

As you certainly notice, its using a generated abbreviation out of the Entities Name to display it on the map. Jeah… pretty ugly…
People have found ways to make that look nicer (Tankerkönig ugly entity names) but what I have in mind is different.
I want to have the actual, current Fuel Price in this example “1.899€” displayed on the map.

I generaly see two approaches, but I failed on both ways:
a) Somehow get the Map Card to display the State instead of the abreviated Name. ← how??
b) Dynamicaly change the Friendly Name to the State Value ← is this even updating??

for a) I could not find any documented setting or parameter that could change the Map Cards behavior in that way.
for b) I created a Customization and put a friendly_name: there, but it is not accepting a template it seems.

So I am out of ideas…
Do you have any how this could be resolved?
Have you maybe solved a simillar Issue with displaying Data on a Map yourself?

Thanks in advance!

Interesting task. Will try to find a solution and post it these days))))

Currently Map card show a “name” composed from an entity’s name (up to 3 characters).
There is a related Discussion - " Map card: add an ability to show a state of an entity instead of showing a name".

Meanwhile, there are 2 working solutions:

  1. Generating “friendly_name”.
  2. Using card-mod.

1. Generating “friendly_name”:
Consider this code:


  - platform: template
        friendly_name_template: >-
          {% set VALUE = states("input_number.some_number") -%}
          {%- if VALUE|length > 3 and VALUE[2] in ['.',','] -%}
            {%- set VALUE = VALUE|float(default=0)|round(0) -%}
          {%- endif -%}
          {{ VALUE|string|list|join(' ') }}
        value_template: ...
          latitude: ...
          longitude: ...

The idea is to compose a “friendly_name” (legacy format is used for a template sensor) based on some numerical value.
The template takes 3 first characters from the value and compose a string.
If the 3rd character is a delimiter than a rounding is performed.
Note: the code may not be optimal; also it does not work for negatives…

2. Card-mod:
The idea is to hide a displayed name and replace it with some user-defined string:

type: map
  - entity: sensor.some_marker
          ha-entity-marker $: |
            .marker {
              font-size: 0px !important;
             .marker::after {
               content: "{{states('input_number.some_number')}}";
               font-size: 10px !important;

Unfortunately, the card-mod code is not stable: it works in a “dashboard edit mode”, may be lost after a page refresh.

Here is test example for both methods:

  test_map_markers_with_values_1: &ref_number
    min: 0
    max: 100
    step: 0.1
    mode: box
  test_map_markers_with_values_2: *ref_number
  test_map_markers_with_values_3: *ref_number


  - platform: template
        friendly_name_template: &ref_friendly_name_template >-
          {% set HELPER_NAME = 'input_number.' + this.entity_id.split('.')[1] -%}
          {%- set VALUE = states(HELPER_NAME) -%}
          {%- if VALUE|length > 3 and VALUE[2] in ['.',','] -%}
            {%- set VALUE = VALUE|float(default=0)|round(0) -%}
          {%- endif -%}
          {{ VALUE|string|list|join(' ') }}
        value_template: ok
        attribute_templates: &ref_attr_1
          latitude: -25.100481554029
          longitude: -129.37401816254

        friendly_name_template: *ref_friendly_name_template
        value_template: ok
        attribute_templates: &ref_attr_2
          latitude: 25.100481554029
          longitude: 129.37401816254

        friendly_name_template: *ref_friendly_name_template
        value_template: ok
        attribute_templates: &ref_attr_3
          latitude: -5.100481554029
          longitude: -9.37401816254


        value_template: ok
        attribute_templates: *ref_attr_1

        value_template: ok
        attribute_templates: *ref_attr_2

        value_template: ok
        attribute_templates: *ref_attr_3
type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
      - entity: input_number.test_map_markers_with_values_1
        name: value 1
      - entity: input_number.test_map_markers_with_values_2
        name: value 2
      - entity: input_number.test_map_markers_with_values_3
        name: value 3
  - type: map
    title: friendly_name
      - entity: sensor.test_map_markers_with_values_1
      - entity: sensor.test_map_markers_with_values_2
      - entity: sensor.test_map_markers_with_values_3
  - type: map
    title: card-mod
      - entity: sensor.test_map_markers_with_values_4
      - entity: sensor.test_map_markers_with_values_5
      - entity: sensor.test_map_markers_with_values_6
              ha-entity-marker[entity-id='sensor.test_map_markers_with_values_4'] $: |
                .marker {
                  font-size: 0px !important;
                 .marker::after {
                   content: "{{states('input_number.test_map_markers_with_values_1')}}";
                   font-size: 15px !important;
              ha-entity-marker[entity-id='sensor.test_map_markers_with_values_5'] $: |
                .marker {
                  font-size: 0px !important;
                 .marker::after {
                   content: "{{states('input_number.test_map_markers_with_values_2')}}";
                   font-size: 15px !important;
              ha-entity-marker[entity-id='sensor.test_map_markers_with_values_6'] $: |
                .marker {
                  font-size: 0px !important;
                 .marker::after {
                   content: "{{states('input_number.test_map_markers_with_values_3')}}";
                   font-size: 15px !important;

Update 15.10.23: this mod is not needed since 2023.10 - a possibility of displaying states was added (discussion, PR)

1 Like

Hope this PR will be merged!


wow so nice!! hope it gets merged!

I’m not sure if this will help you or not. A while back, I wanted to map a series of ‘events’ on the Home Assistant Map element from a GeoJSON feed. I am using a subset of the code in the link below. I did not implement the complete code in this repository as it was pretty complex within HA’s custom components function and the HA Map element still seemed to only show a rather strange subset of the data in the GeoJSON feed. I came up with a pretty hillbilly tech hack to set the first three characters of the ‘friendly_name’ to be something somewhat useful. As you have seen, the map displays the first letter of the first three words in the ‘friendly_name’, strange implementation IMHO. If you float over an entity on the Map element you can full ‘friendly_name’ that is generated by the geoJSON entity however. I too hope the referenced PR to improve the Map element moves forward. Or if you are adventurous, the code below might give you some options. Good hunting!

Wow! I am very much impressed!
But it think the stable, reliable, technical sound solution would be to implement this feature into the map card. So I dearly hope this gets implemented.

In the meantime I found Deutschland-Tankkarte in Echtzeit and could make them offer an iframe snippet on top of the JavaScript Snippet that was the only option before.
Aparently making them change their Website is easier than getting a new feature into HA lol

You have probably seen that with 2023.10 this is now feasible in the card itself

Yes I did, but as I wrote I found another solution before 2023.10 got released